Trimble Dimensions 2024

Associate Director Mat Parkinson, recently attended Trimble Dimensions 2024, (the annual Expo that showcases cutting edge technology, insights and networking opportunities) hosted by Korec Group, the UK’s distributor of Trimble survey equipment, and this is his roundup of takeaways from this incredible Expo.

‘It was a fantastic opportunity to dive into the latest innovations within the Trimble ecosystem and see firsthand how cutting-edge products are shaping the future of surveying’. His highlights included:

– Seeing how different survey sensors can be combined to collect mass data, both above and below ground. Two of the sessions showed how the combined use of a mobile mapper and a multi-array GPR can work effectively. (Find out about our GPR services here)

As Trimble says it gives you the ‘Power to turn step one into job done’, this is really being highlighted in Germany and Italy where the combined use of these tools is helping surveyors work faster and smarter. Closing (in survey terms) hundreds of kilometers of rail tracks at once and mapping entire road networks. (Find out about our highway mapping services here).

– The opportunity to network and collaborate with fellow professionals from the UK and across the world.

– It was impressive seeing the MX60 mobile mapper—featured on the iconic Tesla CyberTruck. This vehicle mounted mobile reality capture system that can integrate georeferencing technologies with precise, high speed, laser scanning and high-resolution imaging sensors. This allows you to rapidly capture vast amounts of accurate spatial data for your models. Increasing efficiency and reducing cost.

Overall the key takeaways from the Expo were naturally of an AI focus – new features for Trimble Connect announced, integrated AI solutions, updates in reality capture, additional and increased controls for GenAI in designing platforms and new versions of software, powered by AI that will be made freely available.

Mat said ‘It was an inspiring place for me to be on behalf of Malcolm Hughes, ensuring that we are kept at the forefront of innovation in the geospatial sector.’

We are excited to be part of the future of surveying and look forward to implementing this tech to bring countless benefits to our clients. Get in touch to find out how we can implement these for your business.

  • A Trimble MX60 Mobile Mapper mounted on a Tesla Cybertruck
  • View over Las Vegas from the top of the Stratosphere Tower
  • Trimble Dimensions 2024: Talks and insights on the future of surveying